Australia’s longest 4 Post Truck Hoist


This week Willunga Charter added one of our CLASSIC CL18TL-XL 18TONNE 4-Post EXTRA LONG Truck Hoists to their New Workshop equipment. The Classic CL18TL-XL EXTRA LONG  Australia’s longest 4 Post Truck Hoist is newly engineered to accommodate Trucks and Heavy vehicles, built to last featuring upgrades to Safety, durability and productivity This lift IS Australia’s longest 4 Post Truck […]

The Importance Of Concrete Thickness And Strength In The Installation Of Vehicle Hoists

The Importance Of Concrete Thickness And Strength In The Installation Of Vehicle Hoists

Ascertaining the thickness and strength of concrete pads to house vehicle hoists is extremely important, the minimum thickness of the a concrete pad is 100mm, preferably 150mm would be ideal, Most concrete pads are equal in thickness over the entire area of the pad, therefore it is not necessary to drill exactly where the posts […]

Australia’s longest 4 Post Truck Hoist 18 tonne Installed by Classic Lift Australia Team.


Classic Lift Australia Team installed a Classic 4 Post Truck Hoist CL18TL-XL Extra Long, this 18 Tonne hoist is Australia’s longest 4 Post Truck Hoist with 10 tonne an air-operated jacking beam fitted, for a mechanical workshop in western Australia. With a working length of 10800 MM and a maximum lift capacity of 18 Tonne, […]

Automatic tyre changer machines OR LeverLess Tyre Changer What’s the difference and which you should choose?

Classic Tyre Changers 1

Automatic Tyre Changer machines OR LeverLess Tyre Changer or. What’s the difference and which you should choose? For a new Tyre Changer for your workshop? Not sure if you need a TYRE CHANGER LEVERLESS or with a Helper Arm the difference between each tyre Changers? Well, you have come to the right place. Classic Lift […]

Preparing The Concrete Flooring Base For Hoist Installations

Preparing The Concrete Flooring Base For Hoist Installations 1

If the concrete floor does not meet the required specifications, comply with WorkSafe. i.e thickness of the concrete and MPA (Mega Pascall) strength of the concrete. The following should be undertaken A) The two points where the posts will be positioned must be strengthened, the concrete needs to be cut and a new base poured, […]