Hoist Services
Classic Lift Australia offer vehicle hoist Services & installations and work safe compliant inspection, Repair all types of vehicle Hoists and New Hoists installations and Hoist Relocations
Vehicle Hoists must be regularly maintained and serviced by a competent person and manufacturer’s instructions.
Inspection and maintenance records must be kept (ie. logbook).and the Parts used to repair hoists must be to the manufacturer’s
specifications. The Repairs to a hoist must be conducted by competent persons and records retained and we have access to a wide
range of spare parts to suit most makes and models of hoists
You need to have your vehicle Hoists serviced so as to comply with WorkSafe Regulations So
Please Fill The Form Or Contact Us on 1800 951 022
To make a booking to check your vehicle hoists
- Service
- Repairs
- Hoist Installation
- Relocation
- Inspections and certificate provided.
Service and Installations send us an enquiry