Automatic Tyre Changer machines OR LeverLess Tyre Changer or. What’s the difference and which you should choose?
For a new Tyre Changer for your workshop? Not sure if you need a TYRE CHANGER LEVERLESS or with a Helper Arm the difference between each tyre Changers?
Well, you have come to the right place. Classic Lift Australia has multiple products in our range to meet your needs. We can also help settle the difference.
Whether it’s a light or heavy duty solution you are looking for, the team at Classic Lift can help you make an informed decision about the right Tyre Changer
for you. It’s no secret that standing and looking at the underside of a Tyre changer Machine is a lot easier than using a manual tyre changer to change the tyre
manually, so a tyre changer with a leverless can be really handy in that respect. Almost for everyone in the automotive industry.The TYRE CHANGER
LEVERLESS is Faster and powerful and easy to use.